Good news丨Future Att was recognized as a specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprise

Aug 14,2023

On April 19, 2023, the Xiamen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on the "2023 Xiamen Specialized, Special and New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Identification and Review Enterprise List (First Batch)". After expert review and comprehensive evaluation, Future Att was selected successfully.


Future Att

intelligent warehousing in the electronics industry


There are a total of 212 companies selected this time, and our company has become one of them. "Specialization, specialization and innovation" is the direction for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in specialization, refinement, specialization and novelty. Affirmation and recognition of comprehensive capabilities in manufacturing R&D, product design, innovation capabilities, and technical strength.


  01 Specialization  

We are a provider of integrated solutions for intelligent warehousing in the electronics industry. We have 20 years of experience and technology accumulation. All products are independently developed and have intellectual property protection.


  02 Refinement  

Through the self-developed production equipment and the introduction of the self-contained iwmcs storage system, the interconnection between the equipment layer and the control layer is realized, and the precision of production materials, refined production management, and lean production and manufacturing are realized.


  03 Specialization  

Our intelligent equipment includes intelligent warehousing equipment, intelligent labeling equipment, intelligent inventory equipment, intelligent racks, etc., to meet the distribution storage, inventory, turnover and other process management of raw materials, finished products, and semi-finished materials in the manufacturing workshop, greatly improving Work efficiency helps factories realize intelligent, digital and flexible management needs.


  04 Novelty  

We insist on R&D and innovation as the company's development goal, continue to develop and produce more intelligent products, and apply for more than 20 invention and utility model patents and soft works every year on average, and have won the honorary titles of high-tech enterprises, technology giants, and three Management system certification and many other honors.

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Thu 11/24: closed - Happy Thanksgiving!
Fri 11/25: 8 AM - 10 PM
Sat 11/26 - Sun 11/27: 10 AM - 9 PM
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